LLRX.com Competitive Intelligence Guide Update

Is the Internet a good place to research critical issues? You bet, especially if you have the right guide.

The latest update of Sabrina Pacifici’s Competitive Intelligence Guide is available at LLRX.com. It is a leading pathfinder for those interested in finding and using the best Internet factual and legal resources. In the here-today-gone-tomorrow Internet universe, Pacifici’s reliability is a welcome anchor of insight and stability. Thanks for maintaining this invaluable resource.

Ann Walsh Long on Core Legal Research Skills

Prof. Ann Walsh Long shares her thoughts on the core legal research skills law students should master in a guest post at the RIPS Law Librarian Blog.

Ann is the author of a fine new book, A Short & Happy Guide to Advanced Legal Research. This book was originally written for academic audiences, but I have found it to be very useful in my own practice. I am working on a considered review, which should be published soon.