LLRX.com Competitive Intelligence Guide Update

Is the Internet a good place to research critical issues? You bet, especially if you have the right guide.

The latest update of Sabrina Pacifici’s Competitive Intelligence Guide is available at LLRX.com. It is a leading pathfinder for those interested in finding and using the best Internet factual and legal resources. In the here-today-gone-tomorrow Internet universe, Pacifici’s reliability is a welcome anchor of insight and stability. Thanks for maintaining this invaluable resource.

Triggering The Cons: Recognizing the Symptoms

angry man is screaming
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

By now most people have heard of “owning the libs.” Conservatives like to say outrageous things because they believe it will “trigger” liberals, who will not respond effectively.

Are conservatives right about this? Definitely, in my experience. It all too easy to trigger liberals. However, it’s surprisingly easy to trigger many conservatives. It might even benefit the nation if more liberals understood this.

Continue reading “Triggering The Cons: Recognizing the Symptoms”

Why Encouraging Nuts and Nasties to Speak Can Benefit Our Country

Cancel Culture” has been in the news lately. Conservatives complain that Liberals want to censor them, to silence speech they find offensive. There is some truth to their complaints, though it is also a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Many conservatives are all too eager to cancel speech they don’t like. When Colin Kaepernick knelt during the national anthem, that was a form of speech, a form of protest. Trump and his followers demand that he be censored, cancelled: “Get that son of a bitch off the field.

My approach is different. Rather than try to shut up people who disagree with me, I prefer to encourage them to speak, to share their views. Conceivably if enough moderates adopted my approach, it might at least somewhat tend to help heal our national divides.

Continue reading “Why Encouraging Nuts and Nasties to Speak Can Benefit Our Country”

The Chess Musical: One Night in Bangkok Video

Since chess is so much in the news lately due to The Queen’s Gambit, it’s a good time to post a video from the 1986 Broadway musical Chess. The only song from this show to hit the Top Forty song list was named “One Night in Bangkok. It’s pretty clever & worth a watch:

We’re Blushing

Glad to see Lexblog saying nice things about us:

Jerry Lawson is a leader in the world of legal tech. After years of working as a civil service lawyer, Jerry has returned to the legal tech field to serve as President of New Strategies in Legal Tech LLC. He also has extensive experience in legal marketing and served as a charter member of the American Bar Association’s eLawyering group. His familiarity with legal tech shows in his personable and informative blog, New Ideas Legal Tech. Since retiring from practicing and launching the blog, he has also set up a personal blog entitled Netlawtools, where he shares his personal musings on legal tech topics.

Nicholas Brothers & Doc Scantlin Orchestra

Sabrina Pacifici was kind enough to alert me to a great clip of the Nicholas Brothers dance team.

The Nicholas Brothers are also featured in one of my favorite classic movies, Sun Valley Serenade:

The full movie is available at YouTube.  https://youtu.be/sCjCvOFBHFM (Option to rent appears after trailer). The full movie also features Glenn Miller, Dorothy Dandridge and Sonya Heine, the Olympic skating champion. I saw it & the only other Glenn Miller movie, “Orchestra Wives” (also good) at the AFI theater when it was at the Kennedy Center.

Closer to home, the Doc Scantlin Orchestra tries to replicate the type of show you would see at a 1930s-40s supper club. No talents as big as the Nicholas Brothers & Cab Calloway, but they are super entertaining. I’ve seen them a couple of times & would gladly go again.

50 Things That Are Better Already

The Washington Post has a truly, truly wonderful list. Let’s count our blessings for now and hope for even better news in the future. Our country now has a chance to return to true greatness, not the phony type. Will it happen? I don’t know. I do know that now we have a fighting chance.